I don’t know about you, but I always look forward to a few days of ‘me time’ after the madness of Christmas preparation, visitors and the general chaos that the festive season brings. Great fun and wonderful family time but now it’s my time!
As my friends and family (probably like yours!) understand what fires my rocket, it tends to be that most of my presents are to do with sewing. So the New Year is time to find homes for them – hence workroom sort out.
I thought I’d share a few of my all-time favourite storage solutions.
What I’m working towards is getting all my threads (sorted by thread weight) into these Art Bin Super Satchel Thread Boxes.

However, until I can afford more these work a treat as an alternative! So, ask all your friends and family for their empty (or preferably full) Ferrero Rocher boxes.

For my Accuquilt dies, because I do have rather a lot, my husband kindly made me a purpose-built set of shelves for that dead space behind my workroom door. However, when I’m working on a project, particularly those that require more than one die I love having an Accuquilt Go! Die storage rack on my table. Very handy!

If you don’t have room for more shelves why not try the purpose made Accuquilt Die Storage Boxes.
For my bobbins I love this Bernina box, the bobbins sit snuggly within the foam surround. My personal wish list includes more and more bobbins!

Bits and Bobs
Waste not want not! It's not that I go through a lot of coffee but I've been re-cycling these jars as containers for odds and ends that I need to be handy but at the same time I don't want to take up drawer space.

Not quite as attractive as the Simplicity Vintage Jars with the pin cushion on the top!

I have stored my fabric in so many different ways over the years and I still use several different methods, but my all-time favourite is this.
Lots of pieces of fabric, folded and stored on shelves in an alcove. More pieces of fabric, folded and stored on shelves in an alcove.
I use a 400g/m board and fold and wrap the fabric around it, pin it and stand it like a book. I can clearly see my fabrics with little effort. Love it! CAUTIONARY NOTE – once done, protect from the light. As you can see, I have a blind for mine.

While I’m talking about pinning fabric, have you considered using a wrist pin cushion? It’s one of those things that you never knew you needed but then can’t be without.
Happy re-organising! (Am I the only one who enjoys this?)