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Moda Willows Farm

Size: Charm Square


Willows Farm

By Deb Strain

After creating Effie’s Woods for our first granddaughter, Willow’s Farm was sure to follow when our second granddaughter arrived! Filled with sweet farm animals, trucks, tractors, and butterflies, Willow’s Farm provides  a welcoming barnyard to create with. The colours are soft, gender neutral, and will coordinate with Effie’s Woods (with a touch of Barn Red added!)

Coordinating prints include a subtle gingham, farmyard damask, and allover farm scene, to name a few. Many of the prints feature the kind-hearted farm animals showcased in the panel. So if your little one loves farms and farm animals, Willow’s Farm will be the
perfect collection for them!

Available in Pre Cut Packs:

42 5" Charm Squares

40 2½" Strip Jelly Rolls

42 10" Square Layer Cakes.

42 2½" Mini Charm Squares

Please note that our designer ranges are limited, so we cannot repeat the range when sold out.

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