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Accuquilt Go! Strip Cutter 4½" (4" Finished)

£110.00 £120.00
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Quickly and easily cut perfect 4½" strips for borders, wide binding, tote bag handles and more. Die blades are 23½" long, open at both ends and designed to cut folded fabric right off the bolt—up to 6 layers of cotton fabric at a time!

This GO! Strip Cutter will have four angled guidelines printed on the foam surface. Lines at 90°, 30°, 45°, and 60° to allow you to cut strips into squares and diamonds that can be used to make classic quilts like the Lone Star and Tumbling Blocks.

Finished Size: Two 4" strips

Requires Cutting Mat 10" x 24" 55113

This die is suitable for cutters GO! & GO! Big


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