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Studio 180 Large Square Squared



Studio 180 Large Square Squared

by Deb Tucker

We know many of you have been looking for a larger Square Squared tool to make big Diamond Square units for your modern quilts or for framing your beautiful embroidery. But what would you say if we told you could also use it to make Stacked Squares (like in Storm at Sea), Pineapple Blocks, Snail’s Trail Blocks, and a fancy version of a Flying Goose we’re calling Birds of Paradise? With all this, we know you’re itching to give it a try!

This big, versatile, two-piece tool set comes with the basic instructions for making Diamond Square units that finish from 1” up to 12” in whole inch increments. You'll want to keep your eyes open, too, because we’ll be introducing patterns and technique sheets for the additional techniques and blocks as they become available.

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