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Warm & Natural 100% Cotton Batting by the meter

Title: 90" x 1 meter


The perfect soft cotton wadding for quilts, crafts, soft toys and garments! No glues or resins are used during manufacture, which helps the needle pass through easily when stitching. This wadding is needle punched to keep the fibres locked together so that you can quilt at 10" intervals without shifting, tearing or migrating. This is a wonderful batting for machine quilting.

Warm & Natural is the finest needle-punched cotton batting! This soft, natural cotton has never been washed or bleached with harsh chemicals. It’s kinder to the environment and kinder to your batting. The cotton undergoes a mechanical cleaning process removing all of the seeds, seed coats, along with the majority of leaf and stem remnants. The remaining tiny plant particles lend a special look to crafts like no other and won’t harm your quilt. Once quilted, machine wash and dry your finished quilt in cold water. You can expect 3% shrinkage in the first wash with cold water. To achieve an antique puckered look, use warm water for 5% shrinkage. Warm & Natural won’t distort when hanging, hooping or when used in quilt frames. It can be used for both battings and as an exterior craft fabric to create stuffed snowmen and rabbits.

87.5% Natural Cotton & 12.5% Polypropylene (Scrim)

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